Monday, January 24, 2011


Day: One Hundred and Seventy Six

Photo taken on Monday, January 24, 2011 in the living room at 930pm.

Not only am I fan of Cal Lightman, I totally dig the title sequence to Lie To Me. It has a House feel to it, cool song as well as interesting lighting choices and camera angles. When recalling the opening, I see the images in hues of blue and yellow in my mind. My favorite expression is of the freckled-nosed little girl that shows surprise. When the music matches with the editing, her face should light up on a chord change but sometimes the DVR sets it off a tad.

I don't like surprises whether they're big or small, good or even fun, it just doesn't sit well with me. I like to know where I am going or what I am doing at all times. I am open to changes in plans just as long as you give me a heads up a few minutes beforehand (at the latest). That is why my bridal shower day had to be run by me first. Could you imagine? I would wake up around 7 to start preparing for a race that Saturday and Steve, in a panic, would try to convince me to go to a nice brunch. I would immediately suspect something because why would Steve be up this early on a Saturday? I would then demand to know what the meaning of this is and he would come up with a slick answer. He'd get me on the fence for the meal over going to the run until he told me that brunch would be in the city. Then I would know for sure something is amiss. There has to be some big-ass event in the city to get me to go there on the weekend so then I would figure it out. Then I would be pissed that Steve didn't tell me in the first place but then I would feel guilty for being pissed because my mom and bridesmaids did a nice thing for me.

Or I'd just ignore Steve at the beginning and leave for the race anyway.

So instead of a series of unfortunate events, they told me the date and place and I acted surprised when I walked into the lovely shower.


Maeve said...

reallllllly cool pic!!!

Kim said...

Also the fact that we were all in from VA may have given it away, but alas. At least the cake was awesome.

Assassin070406 said...

very nice babe i can't wait to watch it tonight and see the side by side comparison and i do get up early on saturdays sometime...ok thats a lie

Michelle said...

LOL. I love this. It highlights one of our biggest similarities - dislike of surprises and need for control. AND the fact that you titled it "Supplies!" makes me love it more - that's a great joke. You and I are so different and yet so alike.

Greene Family said...

Cool pic! You're hilarious . . . .glad that they told you the time and place of your bridal shower so that you were actually there and everyone was happy! :) I like surprises (good ones anyways), but at the same time, I like to be in control of events, so it's a toss up with me.