Monday, January 10, 2011

Y'all come back now, ya hear?

Day: One Hundred and Sixty Two

Photo taken on Monday, January 10, 2011 outside of the Cracker Barrel in Midlothian, VA at 1037am. (pictured: Moma, me, Dad, and Charlie)

The further south you travel the more laid back and pleasant the people become. So laid back that there are a bunch of rocking chairs for your waiting pleasure at the local Cracker Barrel. The prices for breakfast are a helluva lot cheaper than up here in New York and you get a lot of food as well. It is the comforting type of food, the kind that sticks to your ribs and gives you gas for three days. Now, I can pack down 8 Whities followed by a dozen buffalo wings no problem but I can't do it every day. I'm not sure how one's digestive system can handle daily comfort food because when I order pancakes, I'm expecting them to be light fluffy goodness not crispy and fried. Cracker Barrel breakfast (as yummy as it is) makes the Pancake Cottage look super healthy.


babs said...

katie--you crack me up -- who really cared about the breakfast, having you here down south is what truly matters--but i agree the pancales were pretty bad at carcker barrel but the company rocked!

Michelle said...

Crispy... fried... pancakes?! Eww! Although it is pretty cool that they have rocking chairs.

Kim said...

You have to just go biscuits at the CB. I mean that and fried chicken. I'm laughing that you used y'all in the title.

Greene Family said...

Great picture of you guys! Yes, they do like to fry pretty much everything in the south.