Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lie To Me, Love

Day: One Hundred and Seventy

Photo taken on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 in the dining room at 739pm.

I have finally hit the point in my self portrait project where it is time to start playing with the image. I have wanted to do this for awhile but I could not find my Photoshop 7 disk until today (for some reason it was residing in a pile of CDs to be burned into iTunes). Once I load the program onto Miles I begin to play around, changing the shape, distorting the image, just all around fun stuff until I hit a brick wall. I want to do an ode to Cal Lightman (since I'm a little bit in love with him...okay...A LOT a bit) but I have forgotten how to blur the background. Luckily, I have Mai, one of my hockey and advertising friends from college, just a text away. I pose the question and she calls me immediately, talking me through my different options. As we chat away about her awesome job in the creative industry, Steve tools around with the picture and by the end of the conversation he has accomplished the above effect. I owe Mai and Steve for my selfer today; thanks for helping me out! Great job guys! ^_\

I have been toying with this idea for awhile so it means a lot to me to finally get it out there. I think I really like Lie to Me because the one thing I don't really do is lie. I would be the worst person that Cal could interrogate. I like how he will phrase the same question ten different ways until the person bursts into tears and admits to killing their daughter. Though with me it would be like:


"Did you burn those patients' charts? Didja? Didja set fire to the medical records room? Was it you? You burned all those files in that room, didn't you?"


"Did you-ah...oh."



babs said...

Katie--I'm happy that you were able to accomplish the effect ypu wanted --pretty cool- also you crack me up about beong interrogated-hysterical--unfortunately if you were the character on the show the duration of the episode would be about 2 minutes!

Maeve said...

I tried to leave a comment- but it dissapeared!!!!

baisically I said- Great pic!! Very cool effect and it's so true- you'd prob just be like...yes, I did it... now what?
loves you

Michelle said...

I don't have PhotoShop. I would like to. Perhaps when I'm not broke. So like 10 years from now when my project is long over. Nice.

Greene Family said...

Great pic!! Makes me reconsider getting PhotoShop one of these days.

Assassin070406 said...

actually your episode would be lightman: did ya? did ya burn the chart katie: you're awesome lightman: what?!? katie: i love you. you're awesome (severus snape aka alan rickman busts down the door to the cube of truth) snape: don't...lie...to me katie: yes i burnt the chart...and this is the best day of my life...credits