Saturday, January 1, 2011

Get in the Game

Day: One Hundred and Fifty Three

Photo taken on Friday, January 1, 2011 in the living room at 641pm.

I have finally found the time to play EA Sports Active More Workouts which Steve bought me last Christmas. That's right. It has taken me over a year to play this game. I definitely like it even though I can't make my person a little bit curvier like I could in the last game. It has some different workouts but so far nothing is as excruciating as that damn rollerblading board on the first release.

I love interactive video games, especially these "get fit" ones because it doesn't feel like working out at all, more like just a fun way to pretend to actually do something without having to actually do something. It's perfect for rainy/snowy days or when a bunch of people come over and you want to challenge each other to a bowling match without having to put on someone else's stinky shoes. Sure there are some hard exercises (like when I had to do 100 jackknives in a row or 20 "leg ups" after doing a run outside) but it's mostly just about being a kid again.

Though Steve likes when I play these games because more often than not, the motion detector doesn't read me and he laughs as I shout at the TV while angrily flailing the controller about.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I didn't know they came out with a sequel to EA Sports Active. Not that it matters since my Wii is packed away in storage until who knows when. *sigh*