Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Day: One Hundred and Sixty Four

Photo taken on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 right beside Sai in our snow covered parking lot at 503pm.

Steve and I have been living together since the end of December 2006 and we have yet to buy a shovel. Instead, we choose to get in snowpants and proceed to kick the snow away from our vehicles. It is actually a lot faster than shoveling and doesn't put strain on your back at all. Besides, it's fun and it usually starts a snowball war between us which is also fun until Steve just bum rushes me into a snowbank, which is not fun.


Kim said...

Or do you just not own a shovel? You do have CVS like a nanosecond from your home you know? I am very glad Virginia did not get snow.

Michelle said...

You two are so cute and perfect together that sometimes I don't know whether to smile or throw up.

babs said...

i now know what you together gift is this christmas---a snow shovel--you will win the fights against steve when you fill the shovel to capacity with freshly fallen virgin snow and dump it over his head when he leasts expects it!

Greene Family said...

You two crack me up! Jason and I used to plow our way out in college the same way. :) Lots of fun!
It's great to see your snow pic! I was really hoping for one big snowfall this winter, but so far, no such luck.