Monday, January 3, 2011

I think I can, I think I can.

Day: One Hundred and Fifty Five

Photo taken on Monday, January 3, 2011 in our bedroom at 803pm.

The first time I am introduced to TRX it is at one of my mom's personal training sessions with Mary. Both are totally cool with letting me drop in to try this exceptional workout tool. I immediately fall in love with it when we begin the core exercises because it takes something simple like a plank and turns it into a circus act. The hammie pull-ins hurt like hell but I love how deep I can get into a squat. And then it's the triceps turn...

In the picture I just quickly pretend to struggle with the horrible exercise but really I'm not attempting it yet and the TRX is not even set up at the moment but I had to pose this for Moma. She totally kicks my butt at this one! As we are banging out a set of 15 in the session, Moma is doing it double time compared to me and I can't even straighten my arms! They are literally shaking so bad I can't even complete a full rep. I couldn't wait for the exercise to end and for the rest of my visit I imitate myself trying to push back by holding my breath while shaking my arms and it sends Moma into a laughing fit.

One of my Christmas gifts this year is my very own set of TRX bands! I absolutely love them and look forward to perfecting that damn side plank. Thank you very much for this gift, Moma! It is definitely going to get a lot of use during my ninja training! ^_\


Maeve said...

I use those with my trainer... KILLER!!!!!

babs said...

oh katie you can you can you can--just think you kick my ass in running marathons and i can assure i will never run