Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Date Night

Day: One Hundred and Sixty Three

Photo taken on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 outside of the Farmingdale Multiplex at 951pm.

I coerce Steve into seeing a running documentary tonight with the promise of food and another volume of Bleach. He would have come regardless but I felt I should sweeten the deal since Hood to Coast will really only appeal to me. I figure he'll probably sit there through the entire thing as if I am the one running this race and wish he didn't forget his DS to keep him busy while he waits at the finish to snap my picture. And hopefully, in 2012, he'll be doing just that.

My buddy from college, Scott, posted the trailer to the movie a few weeks ago, asking his fellow runners if they would be interested and for one whole week it is all I can think about. I study the leg breakdowns and try to pick out which one I would do and if I could manage that terrain. As Steve is counting sheep at night, I stare at the ceiling counting months and training programs, trying to space out races and that hopefully I'll have a marathon or two under my belt by then. I think of dieting and running hills, wondering if I can last 24 hours without showering, eating, or going #2. It finally gets to the point I have to email Scott and put myself out there. I tell him how it has been dominating my thoughts and that if he needs an extra runner, I'm totally game.

It's a 197 mile relay race of 12 runners and it can last longer than 24 hours depending on the team's pace. After watching the inspirational film tonight, all I want to do is start training harder. I know eventually the weight will come off and my mileage will increase even more than it has, I just have to be patient. I definitely recommend this movie to anyone looking for motivation to accomplish a goal whether it be running a ridiculous race like this or something less extreme; these people's stories of perseverance will help you keep on going.


babs said...

katie--it sounds trite --but follow your dream--i am so very proud of you-you go with ypur bad running self!

Michelle said...

Dude, you've seen me run... and how very sad it is. How many times did I almost wipe out on the treadmill at Lucille? I envy your running skills. You could totally do that - go for it!

Maeve said...

Thats amazing!!!!! I think you would be a superstar at this!!! You can do anything my dearest BFF! What a fun race and the fact that you can do a few legs and take breaks seems like it would help! Your such a great athlete... I know you'll kick ass!

Kim said...

I think you'll fail.
Just kidding. Everyone's comments were so positive and upbeat I couldn't resist.
I think you would totally kick ass. Go for it! I'll be there, and Preston (who will tell you you won't win). :-)

Greene Family said...

That's awesome!! I'm inspired by your motivation! I've always said that I would love to do a marathon, but I'm really not a runner, more of a speed walker. Have fun training!
I'm sure your family will all be there to cheer you on!