Thursday, January 13, 2011

60 Hour TiVo

Day: One Hundred and Sixty Five

Photo taken on Thursday, January 13, 2011 in my office chair at 736am.

No medical records request has made me this giddy before. When I open the envelope and slide out the papers inside, the letterhead makes me full out laugh:

Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman, & Dicker LLP

This is where Kim used to work before moving down to Virginia. The first time I call her office I get her voicemail and as she speeds through all the five names of her firm, I only hear the last one. When it is time for me to leave a message, I giggle into the phone, "hee hee Dicker." From then on, whenever she answers or doesn't answer her office phone, I respond the same way, "hee hee Dicker."

And then Kim makes the mistake of telling me about a pizza party they have one Friday before a holiday weekend and from then on, every Friday I ask about her pizza party that Dicker is throwing for them. Kim then explains to me every Friday that they only get pizza parties when it is before a holiday weekend and that Dicker doesn't throw them because he is retired.

Then the next Friday, I ring her right before lunchtime to ask about Dicker's Pizza Party anyway.


Kim said...

OMG! I almost spit my coffee onto the screen I'm laughing so hard. DICKER! I wonder if they are getting a party this week for the long weekend? So funny so funny. And what were you saying this past weekend and I responded with 60 hour TiVo?

Maeve said...

I feel like I need to understand this "60 hour tivo" joke.... I don't like feeling out of the loop!! haha

Katie Jaye said...

I can't find my original BLOG back in college but I wrote another entry that touched on the 60 Hour TiVo here:

Basically the siblings were buying our parents TiVo for Christmas and there was only 40 hour and 80 hour TiVo. I was convinced there was a 60 hour TiVo and I kept telling Kim this in several different ways until she finally exploded and screamed at me, "GODDAMMIT KATIE THERE IS NO 60 HOUR TIVO!" It's kind of a game I play, repeat the same thing until someone gets pissed.

babs said...

Katie--you are a card--you crack me up and deep down inside i know kim wishes she still worked for dicker because she really misses those friday pizza parties--i think you should suggest to bossdad about hosting a pizza party every friday or at least mini bagels w/cream cheese/butter!

Katie Jaye said...

Moma, I think pizza parties every Friday are a fabulous idea! We must badger bossdad about this!

Maeve said...

LOVE IT!! haha... also side note... That color blue looks really nice on you!

Greene Family said...

Too funny! Glad to see in the comments an explanation on the 60 hour TiVo because I thought I was missing something. :) I bet Kim misses working there and hearing your Friday voicemails.