Tuesday, May 31, 2011

1,000 Years of Death

Day: Three Hundred and Three

Photo taken on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 in Lucille Roberts in Massapequa, NY at 7pm.

I love Mat Pilates. It's a toned down version of real Pilates and an easier version of yoga. It's perfect for someone like me who isn't the most flexible and loves core exercises that abuse their stomach muscles. It is relaxing and fun but definitely hard work, especially the Downward Dog because holding up 180 pounds is no picnic.

I have come a long way since trying this class back in 2005 and I respect anyone who teaches or takes the class on a regular basis. I still tolerate the gas passers (hey, it happens) but I still can't bring myself to join in with the group and choose to wait it out. Though when I get home, well, that's a different story. ;-P


Maeve said...

I love pilates!!!!

Babs said...

i must give pilates a try--maybe next time you come down to va we will indulge