Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Day: Two Hundred and Ninety Seven

Photo taken on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 in the bedroom at 107am.
This is usually the time I get up but since right now I reek of sweat, booze, and karaoke goers, I need to get up a tad earlier if I want to get my shower in before leaving for the train. I like the fact that the clock face is displaying a rising sun which doesn't make me feel too bad about getting up that early. But it's when I turn my alarm back a few minutes that I start to feel a little annoyed:

A night picture?!?! See, even my phone agrees that getting up any time before 5 is just ludicrous!


Kim said...

I mean you can not wash your left arm three times in your shower and add the ten minutes back. Just saying.

Katie Jaye said...


I'll have you know...that when I went to type in "ludicrous" I totally wrote Luda at first.