Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Hero!

Day: Two Hundred and Eighty Six

Photo taken on Saturday, May 14, 2011 at Justin's new apartment in Plainview, NY at 1135pm.

Justin is using his superhero strength to pick up my 180 pound frame specifically for this shot. I entertain the idea of fumbling around with my camera to watch him squirm under my weight but I thought that to be too cruel to do to a good friend. Especially since he let us come over to play Marvels and I drink two of his cream sodas during the game.

When I first arrive this afternoon, he is decked out in a camouflage tee and I make it known to him that he is not dressed up in a Batman shirt and this disappoints me. So Justin disappears into his room only to come back donning a retro Batman shirt instead which totally makes my night.

Super Strength + Vintage Batman = Awesomeness

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Justin wearing anything other than a Superman shirt strikes me as wrong.