Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Purple Nurple

Day: Two Hundred and Eighty Two

Photo taken on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 in the bedroom at 1002pm.

One of my favorite entries I wrote for Life's Adventures was about me getting a new phone. I highly recommend you reading that one to fully understand why I am holding a new purple phone with very little effort on my part. It will help you grasp the concept of me being lazy and I know what you are thinking-I move around way too much to be lazy-but I assure you, I'm lazy. Because honestly, instead of me writing a BLOG entry here, I am directing you elsewhere.


Pretty much the new phone of that previous BLOG entry, the Orange Rumor, has been slowly deteriorating. First the right arrow stopped working which impeded on the fluid navigation of Facebook on my phone but Katie being Katie, I found a way around it so I didn't have to go to the Sprint service shop. Then the 7 button stopped working which made it very hard to delete my voicemails so I just stopped doing that too. Then the 8 and 9 stopped functioning as well and I just made calls through my contact list or the Surge phone or just didn't make a call at all. I think this behavior would have continued on for awhile if it wasn't for Moma calling up Sprint herself for another reason and then forcing me to get on the line and speak with a representative. And then they MAILED it to me because you and I both know, that new phone would sit in the store for awhile before I actually walked the four blocks to pick it up.

...Yeah, I'll voluntarily run a marathon but I won't subject myself to four city blocks.


Kim said...

Too bad your new phone sucks. Now you have to walk the four blocks. SUCKA!

Maeve said...

you got a new phone?! FINALLY!!!

Katie Jaye said...

Yeah and I HATE it!!! I want my regular Rumor back! Booo touch screen! WAAAHHH!

Michelle said...

You have a PURPLE phone now?! I'm so jealous.