Saturday, May 28, 2011


Day: Three Hundred

Photo taken on Saturday, May 28, 2011 in the living room at 904pm. (Pictured: On the love seat: Mike and Jenn. Stadium seating: Me and Jess. Beanbag chairs: Paul, Michelle and her tongue, and Heather. The manly men: Justin and Steve. On the floor: Chris Reed.)

I had planned it for weeks. Day 300 was nearing and I wanted to do something better than Day 200. I came up with a fantastic idea knowing that my friends and family would totally go along with it but when Day 300 came, it left without me realizing it because we were having too much fun.

Heather discovers the Indo board so we all have a go on it outside. She then concocts her "secret special drinks" for us with a variety of liquors displayed on our kitchen counter. We then all pitch in for food and start Netflixing and talking and laughing and I snap this picture. When everyone finally calls it a night and the last person trudges out the door it dawns on me...

I forgot about my epic picture.

I am so pissed at myself.

Imagine all those fine folks pictured above with war faces on, battling it out in our backyard with hockey sticks and brooms, some wearing capes made of towels, others donning silly hats. You can imagine it, right? It would have been epic, right? All those people above would have definitely participated but I feel I have failed them.

But they didn't fail me at all. They came to celebrate the big day with me and you know what? It was EPIC fun.



babs said...

i'm imagining, i'm imagining--got it --what a great picture!

Michelle said...

OMG, that would have been AWESOME!!! Kate, next time you have an epic idea, tell me so between the two of us, someone will remember. Maybe.