Sunday, March 20, 2011

To the Bat Cave!

Day: Two Hundred and Thirty One

Photo taken on Sunday, March 20, 2011 in the Manga Loft at 1159pm.

This is a sad moment. It's not earth-shattering, just a little sad.

Today, I am starting to say goodbye to the Manga Loft.

Where I am standing-this hidden room from the stairs behind our couch-was the main selling point for me to move into this apartment almost one year ago. I have always been a fan of stairs that lead to nowhere, to a room that has only one exit-unless you count jumping over the railing into the living room below which I have seen done on more than one occasion with the lofts in the skiing condos we rented through the years but that's not the point. The point is, I love this room, it is my room, my sanctuary. Whether I am doing SPARCS, drinking a brew with friends on the rainbow beanbag chairs, or engaging in a battle with the many action figures I have up here, it has been a place for me to be me.

But now we're moving and I no longer have a Manga Loft. I'll now have a Manga Dining Room which everyone can see when they walk through the door. Anyone can just peruse my giant wrap-around desk and see my current (awful) storyboards. I feel like I'm losing my privacy [sanity] and I blame it entirely on the management here that think it is totally fair to raise our already astronomical rent by 15%. Those bastards are basically pushing us out even though they called us "excellent tenants" they wasted no time in showing us the door. If I believed in hell I'd tell them they could rot there but instead I can only wish my stomach pains on them because that has to be the equivalent, right?

So today I begin to load up the DVDs into the DVD box we used the last time we moved (11 months ago) and tearfully push it down the stairs (way too heavy to even consider lifting it). Steve comes up to pack away the majority of the manga because I just don't have it in me to do it so I work on the shelves containing other books. I'm not sure if either of us are ready to move the Naruto display rack downstairs at the moment, way to "final".

All I can hope is that in a year from now I'll get that Manga Loft back or maybe even better than a Manga Loft, a Manga Lair! And this time, I won't be renting the space, I'll own it!

Suck it apartment complex I live in currently! Suck it long and suck it hard!


babs said...

oh Katie--my heart breaks for you--i know how much the loft meant to you where you escaped to do your blogging and writing--i believe you will still get that great american novel written. i believe everything happens for a reason--you'll stay in this new place for 1 year and then you will purchase a home of your own--keep your chin up--i am always here for you--i love you

Kim said...

There are two townhouses in my row still for sale with wood floors. And you can have the downstairs room with the bathroom be the ENTIRE manga room! A manga suite! And you would live next to me if you needed to borrow sugar.

Maeve said...

Sorry for your loss... but I'm a fan of your potter t-shirt!!! xoxo
ALSO--- now you're a lot closer to Greenlawn- so we can see each other more when I'm home!!! see... silver lining!