Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gotta Catch 'Em All

Day: Two Hundred and Twelve

Photo taken on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 in the living room at 1041pm.

Steve is a gamer and I love him for it. He typically likes RPGs ranging anywhere from Final Fantasy to more obscure ones, ones that I didn't even know existed. He'll even pick up easier ones like Naruto and fun games like all the color versions for Pokemon. Currently he is playing Soul Silver and Heart Gold and both of these versions come with your very own Poke Ball.

Tododile has been taken out of the game and put into the Poke Ball for me tonight. My job is to walk around as much as I can in a day so the Pokemon can gain wattage. Basically it is a pedometer with a fun twist and is actually beneficial. Instead of looking down and being like, "Wow. 12, 245 steps today. That equals what in meaningful exercise?" Steve can be like, "Wow! You collected three items, unlocked a new path, and upped my characters chances of finding rare Pokemon!"

I feel like this is more of an accomplishment this way.

"If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good."-Dr. Seuss

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