Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sit, Stand, Lay Down

Day: Two Hundred and Thirteen

Photo taken on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 in the Huntington Friday's vestibule at 949pm. (Sitting: Me and Mike/Standing: Heather and Steve/Laying down: Jenn and Justin.)

I love my friends. All of them. Ones that have been pictured and the ones that have yet to be pictured. Plain and simple. I love you guys.

Besides the obvious reason that you are awesome, do you know why I love you all so much?

Because I can mix and match different groups of friends and it just works. Yes, I know Jenn and Mike are family but I have always considered family-especially siblings and cousins- to be my friends as well as relatives. And when we throw get-togethers or just shoot texts out last minute, more than half my contact list is included (the less-than-half is a lot of my doctors so they probably don't want to come to my Halloween party).

I love the fact you all get along and can have a good time regardless if I've known you since elementary school or I just acquired you recently through my sister's BLOG, I love that we're friends.

So if you're up to hanging out, come join me sometime. There is always room for more!



Michelle said...

Aww this one is cute. Love ya sista.

babs said...

you are truly a loveable person Katee-we all love you right back!