Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mind over Matter

Day: Two Hundred and Forty One

Photo taken on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 in my office at 827am.

For some reason I go to bed feeling quite normal only to wake up five months pregnant. (Yeah, you're right docs. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me.)

Being that I have prided myself on my flat tummy all my life I am not a fan of this bloating thing at all. I am now down to two pairs of pants that fit and the pain I have been experiencing today is beyond excruciating not to mention the trouble in the bathroom (don't worry, I won't mention the bathroom trouble). At three different times today, I am surprised when I feel wetness leak out of my eyes and onto my work in front of me.

I'm crying?! I'm crying I'm in so much pain?! That's it. I have had enough.

My Mind and Body are two separate entities. When they work in tandem they are fantastic, for instance: when my Body was breaking last Saturday during my 13 mile trail run and I seriously felt like my right knee was going to give out the Mind took over, coaching the Body through the pain until we accomplished the mileage we set out to do.

But the Body sometimes screws the Mind over like when the Mind is eagerly awaiting getting off the train and wants to play with the Indo Board, the Body walks through the door and decides they would rather lounge on the couch and do some Netflixing. It's like, "Work out? Nah, we have a few episodes left of Season 3 of Arrested Development. Maybe tomorrow."

Tomorrow comes and the Body makes another excuse, "oh my knee still hurts, Tiger Balm it for me, Mind. Thanks."

The Mind tries everything today to relieve the pressure in the stomach: changing positions, going for a walk in the park, drinking lots of fluids but the pain never subsides...until around 215pm when the Body eases up to let the Mind know it's hungry. The Mind couldn't even finish the peppermint hot chocolate purchased for her this morning, that's how bad the Body was acting.

The Body may win over Mind when it comes to working out but the Mind is strong willed and stubborn. So when the Body sends the hungry signal to the Mind, the Mind being extremely tired and pissed off from the emotional damage the pain from the Body causes today, decides not to respond. The Body is like, "Hey Mind. Um, I'm not in as much pain anymore, want to go get some lunch?"

And Mind, being the stubborn ass it always is replies, "Hey Body. You can go fuck yourself."


babs said...

Katie i'm so sorry you are still not feeling well--i know it's hard but keep trudging through to try to find a solution or maybe one smart doctor can give you a diagnosis--i love you

babs said...

Katie i'm so sorry you are still not feeling well--i know it's hard but keep trudging through to try to find a solution or maybe one smart doctor can give you a diagnosis--i love you

Maeve said...

I hate that you are still in pain! I'm sorry doll! Like your mommy said... maybe one smart doctor will finally be able to help!

Michelle said...

OMG Kate! Please tell me that was PhotoShopped. There was totally this episode of Angel where Cordelia woke up pregnant... but don't worry, unlike Cordi, I don't think you're going to give birth to demons. On second thought though, check for horns before you flush.