Friday, March 25, 2011

You CAN have-a-da-Mango!

Day: Two Hundred and Thirty Six

Photo taken on Friday, March 25, 2011 in Mangoes in Bethpage, NY at 1103pm. (Pictured counterclockwise from me is Cristina, Brad, and Steve)

One day as we are traveling down Central Avenue towards Paul's abode, I notice this brightly colored building in the middle of a neighborhood. "Hey Steve, have you ever been there?" I ask as I point out the establishment. He answers me with a "no" in a tone that says, "you couldn't pay me enough to go in there." When I get to Paul's, I ask him too. He answers in a tone that says, "haven't ventured there but wouldn't rule it out." I'm intrigued by the place and luckily a few years later I learn that it is Cristina's favorite Mexican restaurant and that I'll finally get inside!

Cristina admits that her group of friends are getting tired of going to the same place but she absolutely loves eating here. I completely understand why: the food portions are huge, delicious, and reasonably priced, the bartender makes a mean pina colada, and if it's your birthday you get to wear a sombrero and take a shot. Even if you didn't get a shot, wearing a flashy sombrero makes it worth it to me.

I am so glad to meet up with Brad and Cristina tonight. They are such a fun couple to talk to and we seriously spend the night laughing and exchanging stories. I hope our schedules fall into alignment again soon and I would not be opposed to going to Mangoes then either. Or the next time. Or the time after that.

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