Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I've already told him once...

Day: Two Hundred and Twenty Seven

Photo taken on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 in the living room at 252pm.

You can't really see it but Steve has a black eye. Steve has actually given himself this black eye. He has done this by the sheer force of throwing up this morning.

It starts at 437 and continues until almost 9 o'clock. I feel awful he is this sick and each time I dutifully get up with him to rub his back. I then give him fresh water so he can throw it up an hour later. It is on the third trip to the bathroom that I finally flick on the light when he is in there. Steve looks up from the bowl, all pathetic like, and I exclaim, "what did you do to your face?!" He says he felt a pop in his eye and expected it to be bloodshot but he has successfully broken a ton of blood vessels surrounding the eye. I thought he might have slipped before I got in there and smashed his face on the porcelain. I'm relieved to know he's not hurt and we trudge back to bed.

I vaguely feel him get out of bed again and I slowly drag my eyes open. I stare off into the distance, willing myself to get up but instead I listen to him wretch in the connecting bathroom. He then appears at the foot of my bed looking a little too jovial to just have tossed his cookies. I ask him how he's feeling but all I hear is a grunt escape my lips. He throws a thumb over his shoulder and smiles back at me. "Oh he's not done yet," Steve says and at that moment I hear the real Steve yakking his guts up and I jolt into a sitting position, the other Steve disappearing. Damn open eyed dreams.

I then go get Steve some ginger ale (yeah we keep ginger ale on hand and not for upset stomachs, more for mixing with alcohol) and I meet him back in the bedroom. He feels bad he's keeping me up on my day off but I honestly don't mind at all. I feel it's my job to be there for him, try to make it a little less painful for him if I can. I love Steve and I know he would do this for me.

Though if this turns out to be the 24 hour virus and I get it later, he'll have a matching black eye tomorrow.


Michelle said...

Wow, throwing up so hard you give yourself a black eye takes talent. That's a special kind of sick. I hope Steve feels better soon. I'm sure he'll take just as good care of you when you catch it from him.

babs said...

see you didn't get the vomit virus from steve--i'm glad he is feeling better --but a black eye from puking that is a feat in itself!