Monday, March 28, 2011

Annie Sez

Day: Two Hundred and Thirty Nine

Photo taken on Monday, March 28, 2011 after lunch in Bella Cucina on 87th and Lexington in the city at 203pm.

I love when people get into the selfers; this is totally Annie's idea, basking in the sun like this and we are lovin' it! She looks so peaceful as the light streams in, warming our skin. I am so happy they sit us by the street though we don't even spend a second looking out at the passersby because we are so engrossed in catching up with each other.

As we're talking about love and family and work, we end up talking about a common interest: running. Annie is a very good runner and she does it for the right reason: she loves it. Being that she was a phenomenal race walker in her school days, that drive to feel the adrenaline is still inside of her. I am happy to share my experiences with her and listen to her past stories of hard races (I had no idea she's done an ultra! So cool!) and take with it some advice for my upcoming long runs. Annie is inspiring to me, she is a goddess of health and beauty, and I strive to be more like her in my fitness endeavors.

1 comment:

babs said...

what more can i say but my heart is truly happy to see such two beautiful gals still loving & enjoying each other since middle school--go annie - go katie