Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hee Haw

Day: Two Hundred and Thirty Eight

Photo taken on Sunday, March 27, 2011 in the living room at 937pm. (Pictured counterclockwise in a circle after my noggin: Heather, Jon, Justin, Steve, Paul, and Michelle who was next to me but I kept blocking her in the pictures until she jumped into the middle of the fray with jazz hands)

Justin has never seen Clerks 2 so he is currently being treated to the best part of the flick:

The Donkey Show

We are also in the midst of arguing about the Donkey Show when we realize we miss a critical scene afterwards and have to backtrack and end up watching the Donkey Show for a second time.

No one complains.

I am very happy to be hosting these fine folks today. Last night I offer, practically beg, for people to come over today and eat the food in my fridge so it is less we have to carry out of here when we move. I am forcing 5 pounds of three types of buffalo wings, strawberry cupcakes, and chocolate chip cookies down their throats. Then they are only allowed to have water from the Poland Spring machine or microbrewery beer. This is a horrible party for them. I can tell they all hate being here and wish that I never paid them to come over in the first place.


Michelle said...

Hee Haw... nice! I'm glad you finally got us all in the picture, after I finally moved to get out of the way of your head. ;)

babs said...

looks like they didn't come over kicking & screaming--did you at least unload 2 lbs of chicken wings--if not offer them to your neighborly residents downstairs--maybe the husband will choke on a bone!