Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Look away, I'm hideous!"

Day: Two Hundred and Forty

Photo taken on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 in my office at 1144am.

The Surge is still in ancient times with their paper charts and no website though bossdad is totally onboard with getting futuristic. Last year I finally convince them to let me start scanning medical records to free up some space (even though I have been told my medical records room should be cleared out so we can turn it into a private locker room. Yeah. Can you figure out how I feel about that?)

Anyway, this is how I put the patient numbers in order so when I'm not in the office (like that ever happens) and someone needs a number they can find it here in the marble notebook (which they won't bother to do so I'm not sure why I go through the trouble).

Though in the middle of the process James walks in and busts out laughing. "You look like a freak!" This makes me laugh too and then right on his heels, Cassandra walks in and exclaims, "You're like Edward Scissorhands!" I have to hand it to my coworkers, they take a dull moment in medical records and make in funny for me. Thanks guys!



Anonymous said...

thank god they are lables at first i thought they were paper bombs and you were going to come home armless

Katie Jaye said...

Then I really would be like Baby Buster.