Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Critic

Day: Two Hundred and Thirty Seven

Photo taken on Saturday, March 26, 2011 before the 950 showing of Sucker Punch in the UA Farmingdale movie theater at 944pm. (We take up two full rows of the theater: Back row left to right-Steve fist pumping, Chris Reed rocking out, Kristen, Frank, Paul, and Jess. Front Row left to right-Clark Kent-er-I mean Justin, Heather, Rachel, Adam, Jon, Jenn, and a thumbs up from Mike. Other front row-me.)

For some reason I think that this movie is coming out the weekend of the 12th so Steve sends out the text to everyone two weeks early to see who wants to come with us. He gets texts back very quickly informing him that he has the wrong date. Steve then sends out an apology text offering the Justin Bieber movie instead.

There are no takers.

Two weeks later, 14 of us meet up at The Stadium to enjoy an action packed CGI* joyride that for the first 20 minutes makes me second guess myself because there is no action what-so-ever. As the movie progresses I sink further and further into my seat. I have been yabbering about this film for weeks now, that it will be so cool, a movie with badass chicks as the main characters, and have talked it up to my friends who accompany me to the theater. I am so worried that they are going to be mad at me for dragging them to some chick flick when I promised coolness. I'm thinking really hard, I'm remembering seeing dragons and guns and swords in the previews so where the hell are they?

And then the main character gets drop-kicked across the screen.

Now we're talking!

I really like the movie: the girls are hot in their two sets of costumes, the music is invigorating, and the action I promise is pretty darn awesome. Everyone has mixed opinions on the flick and we all chat animatedly about it as we loiter in front of the theater, then at the Spartan Diner across the street. I am having so much fun that I don't even realize I am out until 330 in the morning! I'm not going to be on a normal sleep pattern for a few days now but you know what? A night like this makes it totally worth it.


*CGI: To avoid confusion, I only use this acronym for "Computer Generated Imagery". I do not think I will ever talk about "Common Gateway Interface" in this BLOG, just so you know.

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