Saturday, February 26, 2011

Din Din

Day: Two Hundred and Nine

Photo taken on Saturday, February 26, 2011in the TDM kitchen at 859pm. (Cast of characters from left to right: Kim, Preston being a jokester and turning his head, Moma, Dad, and me)

We have always been known to have our dinners late even though studies say you should never eat past 730 at night, we laugh in the face of those studies. Tonight Moma has outdone herself with the best comfort food ever: homemade quiche lorraine and mac & cheese. Soooo delicious! Dad and I are topping our juicy burgers with some fresh avocado and I have asked him at least three times already, "can I eat this?" because I think the beef is still mooing.

1 comment:

babs said...

I think my burger had a light pulse but everything was so delicious-love having you down--maybe next time we can make a rocking breakfast casserole or a lasagna loaded with cheese--my arteries are already complaining!