Thursday, June 16, 2011

Peach Fuzz

Day: Three Hundred and Nineteen

Photo taken on Thursday, June 16, 2011 in the downstairs bathroom at 531am.

One day, as I am minding my own business, Pher comes up to me and places his finger on my right cheek. He then begins to sing happily as he traces little triangles between my three moles that reside there.

"Connect the dots on Katie's face! La La La! Connect the dots! La La La!"

This may have been cute if he wasn't a teenager.

There was a time when I used to be self conscious about them, especially when the biggest one started to sprout a lone dark hair every week and I even asked about getting them removed. I found out that the biggest one has a deep root and it would leave a scar anyway so I resigned myself to having moles on my face.

Back when I am a teacher at Genesis, one of the kids in the middle of a conversation with me exclaims and points, "You have a big mole!"

All conversation in the classroom literally stops. People hold their breath for my answer which is, "I most certainly do." Later as the child leaves the classroom with their aide, everyone turns to me and asks me if I'm okay, like as if someone pointing out the hideous brown splotch on my face is new to me. I've had them my entire life; I hardly even notice them until it's time to pluck and honestly, I prefer the right side of my face anyway. The only thing that bothers me is that two little ones have appeared in the triangle and I don't like that. I might get the little ones removed but then again, Pher might enjoy having new dots to connect.

1 comment:

Babs said...

You always look beautiful no matter the moles--they are an integral part of your face--and I love you