Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hour Shower

Day: One Hundred and Fifty

Photo taken on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 in the living room at 1058pm.

When I am a wee one, I come bounding out of bath time one night and right up to Grandma Raab, waving my water-wrinkled fingers in front of her face. "Look Grahm! I'm just like you!" Looking back on it now, not such a nice thing to say, but I was five and had no filter and thought that was a perfectly normal thing to blurt out in conversation. I was a water rat all my life: pool, beach, bath, didn't matter what type of water it was you had to pull me out kicking and screaming. Now as an adult, I still love the beach and pool but I HATE showering. I may hate it but let me assure you, I take them daily.

My shower is a little different than yours. Where yours is a decent amount of time and relaxing, mine is long and torturous. Don't let my acne fool you (since it's caused by stress and constant heel-of-my-palm tapping), my hygiene routine is thorough and excessive. My worst compulsions are in the shower so everyday it's a battle I have to fight with myself to get in there. Once I'm in there, it is at least one hour before I am done. My friend, Mike M., once asked me if I ever have "fun" in the shower to which I replied, "the shower is a place of business." I'm too methodical to enjoy a shower: every turn is calculated and done the same each time, I wash my body parts in order, I shave a certain amount of strokes, I repeat the same hand patterns to get soap out of my hair well after the soap is out of my hair. If ever I start doing something out of order or God forbid, turn a different way, I have to start over (this rarely happens). Even Steve has become part of the showering process. When he's in there with me, he has to pass me a certain way facing a certain way or I freak. I think he's become so accustomed to it that he now showers the way I do.

Once the shower is over, the lotions, face meds, astringents, and moisturizers start. I have five different lotions for my body and three acne steps that follow. There have been some days that I break down crying because I am so tired of this routine but it's so imbedded in me that I can't stop. If I try to stop, the obsessional thoughts start up and then I find myself back to square one. I've been shaving every day since the age of 12. No joke. Every. Day. Sure we all miss a shower some days but I have make-up showers. I'll do two the next day and shave twice. It's sick I know, but I wanted to share why I take so long to get ready and still look like crap. It's not about looking good, it's about feeling clean enough to leave the bedroom.


Anonymous said...

oh Katie one day I will alleviate your problem in the shower by turning the water icy cold --i'm sure that will hurry along the shaving , sudsing etc. no only kidding i wish you can enjoy the relaxation of a shower-at times it can be a great stress reliever--i love you kitty cat

Michelle said...

This pains me, Katie. I'm sorry your showers are never relaxing and always filled with such anxiety. I love to shower - it takes away the stress of my day, and I just feel genuinely ok for a little while. Even when I go in the shower to cry (which I have to now because it's the only place I can be truly alone), there is still something cathartic about it, and I feel better once I'm done. My heart goes out to you.