Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Chit-chin Store

Day: One Hundred and Thirty Two

Photo taken on Saturday, December 11, 2010 in the living room at 1008pm.

While the NERDS! in the background are playing Hero Quest, Kristen, Jenn, and I are playing one of the best games ever created. Behold! The original Mall Madness! Complete with cumbersome box and mold from the basement! Even Jess keeps looking over at us longingly because who wouldn't want to partake in the awesomeness that is Mall Madness? I know if Pher was around he'd be elbowing me out of the way to play as well (he is the ultimate shopper, can't be beaten). So as the game unfolds we laugh at the computer guy's voice and mimic his sales/clearances and items that cost five dollars more. It is definitely an interesting way for adults to spend their Saturday night, no?


Maeve said...


Michelle said...

No way! Mall Madness?! I LOVE THAT GAME!!! Chit-chin store...

Anonymous said...

OOOO, long line, try again later