Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Movin' Out

Day: Two Hundred and Forty Eight

Photo taken on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 in the dining room area (or what should be the dining room area but is a hazardous waste zone at the moment instead) at 1015pm.

Upon moving from Farmingdale to Smithtown, Mike discovers this rather large bag full of smaller plastic bags taking up residence in one of our walk-in closets. He pulls it out and Steve groans about how much he hates that I save this kind of stuff and then Mike puts it over his head and shouts, "Mammoth Bag!" He also shouts it randomly during the move, holding it up high for everyone to see and we all throw up our hands and yell back, "Mammoth Bag!" (Steve groans instead.)

Though Steve isn't groaning now that Mammoth Bag is rapidly shrinking as I use these bags in lieu of bubble-wrap for our breakables. I wonder what Mike is going to call Mammoth Bag now that it's not really mammoth anymore?


Maeve said...

that bag is bigger than you!!!! Lift with the knees!!! haha

Kim said...


Greene Family said...

I'm cracking up and have to show this pic to Jason . . . he used to bug me about saving so many plastic bags (they have so many reuse uses though), but I don't think I've ever had that many. :) You take the crown for mammoth bag!