Friday, April 22, 2011

Mi Familia

Day: Two Hundred and Sixty Four

Photo taken on Friday, April 22, 2011 in the library of the TDM at 348pm. (Pictured left to right: Steve, Charlie, Preston, Moma, and I)

Preston is currently trying on part of his costume for the Q&U Wedding that his school puts on annually (I don't want you to think he normally wears light bulbs on his head). Kim claims she isn't very creative when it comes to crafting but I know for a fact she is: Kim used to write and draw her own children's books that she would then read to Pher and I. They were very cute and I hope she still has all of them. So don't believe her when she knocks herself because she also glued that heavy bulb to the hat and it stayed in place!

It is definitely fun to go to Michaels with the family in order to come up with an "L" themed costume for the Little Man. It is also fun when on the way out of the store he realizes he has put down his toy train but cannot remember where exactly. We all split up and luckily Preston reclaims his toy within a few minutes of searching. Once we head back, we work on the props together in the kitchen and I think the project turns out to be a success! If you would like to check out the cuteness of the union of Q&U, Kim has BLOGged about it here.


babs said...

as a combined effort you all did a fabulous job in assembling a costume for pres -- he looked adorable and spoke his lines like a collegiate (before going to a frat party) and the Q & U wedding rivaled the "royal wedding"

Charles said...

I can choke you out with my toez.