Monday, April 25, 2011

Later Taters!

Day: Two Hundred and Sixty Seven

Photo taken on Monday, April 25, 2011 in front of the TDM mudroom door at 202pm. (Pictured hands from left: Steve, me, and Charlie. Pictured on the stoop from left: Moma, Grandma Z., Kimberly, Preston, and Daddio)

I hate saying goodbye.

It really is no fun at all. I don't like the finality of it; it creeps me out sometimes because I know I will be seeing everyone again so why do I have to say it? I usually settle for some version of "see you later" because it sounds better.

But then if someone wishes me a "safe flight" I HAVE to say, "Tell that to the pilot!" What started as a joke has turned into a compulsion and I will seriously freak out if I accidently say, "Have a safe flight!" and they don't return the punchline. One time I called Moma back in a panic right before she shut down her phone before boarding. I have chased Bossdad down the hallway to make sure he says it though he has come up with his own version of tell-that-to-the-pilot. Dad says, "Make sure he doesn't drop me in the Hudson." That sounds reasonable.

So don't take it personally if I drop you at the airport and I don't wish your flight to be safe. I really do want you to be safe but if you don't say the infamous line, I might end up chasing you through security. And then I'll get arrested.

1 comment:

Maeve said...

awesome shot! I like how you got all 3 hands in there!