Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Groovy Smoothie

Day: Two Hundred and Fifty Four

Photo taken on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 on 86th and Madison in New York, NY at 1248pm.

I love Jamba Juice. I am first introduced to it out in Boulder (it is such a Boulder thing) and back then they had a Pina Colada smoothie which I always bought but now I have a new favorite: Bright-Eyed Blueberry.

Cassandra likes when I order this particular beverage because for some reason, whenever I say the name of this delicious smoothie both my eyebrows shoot up. I know when I get back inside the Surge she's going to make me say it and she'll laugh and I guess on a gloomy day like this, we could all use a little sunshine in a cup.

1 comment:

Kim said...

IMagine you ordered that drink at Yamato the other night? Cute picture!