Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Sorting Hat

Day: Fifty Three

Photo taken on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 714am inside the infamous medical records room.

I'm sure most businesses make you carry photo IDs. We're required by the AAAHC to wear them at all times so patients can identify who works at the surgery center and who just walked off the street. So when important people like the Department of Health make an unexpected visit to the Surge we all look professional. Problem is, I'm the only one who wears it all the time. My coworkers make fun of me for doing it calling it my "bus pass" because it dangles from my neck and is visible to everyone who looks at me. I try to change up my strap as much as possible and it totally clashes with my poor excuse of an outfit but I like wearing it regardless.

This one I picked up in the Harry Potter store and everyone thinks I'm donning a tie today on its debut. When I walk into bossdad's office he says it looks like a St. Anthony's tie. I tell him that's the point because it represents the different houses in Hogwarts. He cocks an eyebrow. I explain: "There are four houses in the school: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Gryffindor is Harry's house and they're known for having courage. Syltherin folks are power hungry-"

He cuts me off. "Which one is the pansy house?"

I drop my head and pick up my bus pass. "Hufflepuff," I say dejectedly.

"Thought so," he answers and goes back to work.

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