Sunday, September 26, 2010


Day: Fifty Six
Photo taken sometime on Sunday, September 26, 2010 on the floor of the living room.

One of my favorite things in the world (besides picking my nose) is being on the receiving end of a back scratch. When I was a kid I would constantly ask my mom to scratch my back because she's always had long nails and a loving touch. When mom was unavailable for a back scratch I would seek out Grandma Raab (if she was in the house) and she would oblige. Now I badger Steve until he gives in (which is frequent) and a look of pure bliss crosses my face and all the tension leaves my body.

Some people have argued with me that back scratches are not the best feeling in the world because that position is saved for orgasms. But my take on that is: you can give yourself a good orgasm but you can't give yourself a good back scratch.

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