Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nudie Kadoody

Day: Eighty
Photo taken Wednesday, October 20, 2010 on the living room floor at 734pm.

This is what I wore today. That's pretty much it.

*Side Note* Moma always called us nudie kadoody when we would get out of the bath as children so I Googled it and had the hardest time finding a way to spell it since it's not a real word. Steve suggested spelling it with a K and low and behold! I got a hit! Thank you, Sarah Silverman!


maeve said...

where are you in the pic?????

Katie Jaye said...

I just stripped down when I walked in and arranged the clothes in the way I was standing when I got off the phone. I'm trying to come up with creative ways of taking selfers.

Kim said...

I agree with Mev. Technically you are not in the pic, but I will let it slide because i'm pretty sure on a PG blog you were not taking a selfie of your boobs.

Kim said...

And your boobs...they might not even be as big as your iPod.

Katie Jaye said...

HAHAHA! Kim you HAVE to write a BLOG about my iPod. You were so funny about it the other night!