Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No Place That Far

Day: Sixty Six
Photo taken on Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 245pm in the Surge kitchen.

I am so unbelievably OCD it isn't even funny. Actually it is. It is funny. It's so funny that it's pathetic.

One laundry day I go into our walk-in closet to fetch our quarter bag but when I look at the shelf in the spot it sits in, I find the cloth bag is missing. I inform Steve and we search around the apartment looking for the coin bag until Steve goes back into the walk-in closet. "I already looked in there," I say. He comes out holding the bag. "Really? You looked in there?" he says skeptically. I ask him where he found it and he leads me inside and points to the shelf directly above the one it normally sits on. "Well," I say in a huff, "you must have put it away then." Steve learns then that things I use tend to have a "permanant resting place" and if he moves anything in the future he would honestly try to remember where he moved it to.

I'm like this in my own office but today I learn that I have places for things outside of my office, like the hot beverage cups. When I go to make a hot chocolate this afternoon, there are no hot beverage cups left underneath the paper towel dispenser. In my head, that means there are no hot beverage cups to be found. Yeah, I'm annoyed that no one replaced them but I go and grab another batch and put it in its rightful place, under the paper towel dispenser. As I go to reach for a spoon I notice another stack of hot beverage cups that were right in front of me the whole damn time...just not under the paper towel dispenser.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh Tinka-You are so anal. Poor Preston got this from you. Hopefully he won't start touching headlights. :-)