Saturday, October 9, 2010

Don't be dirty...okay be dirty.

Day: Sixty Nine
Photo taken on Saturday, October 9, 2010 inside The Best (and Worst) Games From Japan That You’ve Never Heard Of panel in Room 1E13 of the Jacob Javits Center in New York, NY at 740pm.

This is my new bag that I just purchased on the merchandise floor of Comic Con. I seriously debated if I needed this bag or not considering I came here carrying a very similar bag. As Steve and I share a lukewarm Coke before heading into another panel, I tell him my thought process on how I came to own the bag. After my ridiculously long explanation of my thought process on said bag, he realizes I must have two personalities duking it out inside my head at all times plus a voice of reason to mediate between the dual parts. Being that we are currently in the heart of a geek convention, Steve assigns anime characters to the three voices in my head:

Meet the Mediator: This is Iruka-sensei from Naruto.

A pretty benign character that kids tend to vote for in the popularity polls even though he hasn’t been in a chapter since the first volume of the manga but he’s likeable. He’s the typical teacher type, fair and nice. He’s the perfect voice of reason.

Meet Voice #1: Ed from Cowboy Bebop.

You spend most of the anime series thinking Ed’s a boy but really Ed’s a girl. She’s a quirky computer hacker that loves games and messing around. Her whole life revolves around having fun. Ed represents the side of me that gets giddy at the sight of shiny new toys and loves amusement parks.

Meet Voice #2: Another Ed, this time Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist.

This Eddo is extremely smart and determined to accomplish whatever task set before him. Edward is prone to violent outbursts which usually come about when someone doesn’t take him seriously or mentions his height. Edward represents the cynical side of me that bites back with sarcasm and knows that amusement parks set off my Positional Vertigo.

So pretty much when I spot the bag hanging at the back of a booth, Cowboy Ed pops up with Fullmetal Ed close on her heels:

CE: OOoooooOOO An FMA bag!

FE: You have plenty of bags. Move along.

CE: But Katie doesn’t have an FMA bag!

FE: It looks like the man-bag you have over your shoulder right now. Let’s go, next booth.

CE: Yeah but the price is reasonable.

FE: I don’t care about the price. You said you were only spending $50 and that bag will send you over. Iruka, she’s being unreasonable!

I: Okay, settle down. Let’s see, you both make good arguments but the pros and cons seem even so it might be a wash-

CE: The bag is gray! Katie doesn’t own a gray bag!

I: Ah, touché. Buy the bag then.

FE: That was such bullshit, Iruka. Fine then, I want a tee shirt too…

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