Friday, July 15, 2011


Day: Three Hundred and Forty Eight

Photo taken on Friday, July 15, 2011 in the Surge kitchen at 916am.

When my coworkers find out Preston is in town, they beg me to bring him by so they can meet him. They have heard so many funny stories and seen so many cute pictures but they want the live version. I ask Kim if it's possible to bring him to the Surge before she heads out to Long Island to meet up with some friends and I learn it is possible! Even though he is supposed to be going out there for breakfast, Preston's eyes light up when he comes into the kitchen and sees all the free food displayed on the community table. He doesn't know what he wants so he settles for a little bit of everything, including Julia's fruit!

He is such a ham! Plus he already knows the way around the place and acts like he owns the joint even though it's his first visit. Everyone is just taken with him and can't help asking him questions just to hear is funny answers. He also has an issue with my broken desk and keeps trying to put the keyboard back where it belongs even when I tell him, "It's broken. Believe me Preston, it drives me nuts too." I think Bossdad should consider hiring him as my assistant because his OCD tendencies rival my own.

Unfortunately, their visit is short lived and we all reluctantly bid adieu to my family. I look forward to Kim and Preston's next visit to the Surge! Maybe next time they'll come on Potluck Day!


Maeve said...

I LOVE PRESTON!!!!!!!! I wanna visit the surge too!!!!

Katie Jaye said...

You are always welcome at the Surge, BFF! :-)

Kim said...

So I love this pic of us so much, it's the new wallpaper on my BlackBerry. Hee. The orange picture is hilarious. I will steal it, put it on Kodak and buy it. I feel like I'm sad your blog is ending soon. Very sad. Insert sad face emoticon :-(

Barbara said...

what can I say but Preston is just a character!