Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Day: Three Hundred and Thirty Eight
Photo taken on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 in the living room at 1042pm.

When I am a wee one I have beautiful blonde locks. Then it starts getting dirty and then I start putting a few highlights in at the age of 16 so it emphasizes the lighter strands rather than the darker strands. Then I turn it apricot. Then it is stripped of the orange and back to all blonde. Then I toy with lowlights to get it looking normal again and then back to highlights. It comes to a point when my hair takes on six different shades of blonde and my hairdressers at Head Sessions in East Northport agree that this is how it should stay. But then after November 6th, I decide to save money (or be lazy about dying it) and stop adding anything to my natural color. This is the result. It's a ratty brown with a few blonde hairs interspersed throughout. Seems kinda flat and boring. I think I should start coughing up the dough to fix it again but...

I'll probably do nothing about it.

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