Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Day: One Hundred and Seven
Photo taken on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at my desk at 857am.

There are a lot of perks to working at the Surge:
  1. I work for dad. (Simple enough.)
  2. Sometimes my boss takes me out to lunch. (That means it's FREE.)
  3. Sometimes we all get free lunchies for random reasons on random days.
  4. Free breakfast every day. (An assortment of breads, muffins, and bagels)
  5. Free (good) water, juice, and soda.
  6. Transportation is paid for. (That saves me $390 a month.)
  7. Healthcare is paid for. (Beat that Obama!)
  8. 401k that matches up to 10%.
  9. Everyone gets a cake for their birthday paid for by the Surge and handpicked by yours truly.
  10. Nurse's Day, Admin Day, and Boss's Day are observed.
  11. We have potlucks...alot.
  12. As much overtime as I want.
  13. Doctors and nurses that are there to answer any health-related questions you may have. (Or fix you up when you break a foot.)
  14. Free flu shots.
  15. A sizeable Christmas bonus.
Today I can add, PPD testing (right there at my desk) to the list. Sure beats making an appointment at a doc's office and taking a day off of work for something so trivial.


Maeve said...

I want to work at the surge.... the ONLY perk working for Channel 7 is that I can watch Oprah while working thanks to having a tv in my office.

Kim said...

I think there are too many "parties" and "fetes" at the Surge.