Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Return of Ghost Hand

Day: One Hundred and One

Photo taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 in the Surge kitchen at 228pm. (Pictured: Valerie, Cassandra, Maryann, and Tania)

Right now we are toasting Cassandra at her surprise bridal shower. Valerie does such a nice job decorating (she did mine too!) and the kitchen table has never looked so fantastic! Unfortunately, we did not give Two Little Red Hens enough time to bake an ordered cake so I quickly call another bakery I totally love: Dortoni's.

Steve introduced me to this bakery when we started dating and they never disappoint kind of like Cassandra's chocolate mousse cake today. Everyone starts raving about the flavor and that it is so fresh and moist. They then enquire where I purchased this heavenly cake and I tell them in Levittown; they are shocked I carried it in from there and quite frankly, I am too. My arms still hurt me from lugging it up 12 flights of stairs, balancing it on three trains (two of which I had to stand, no one offered me a seat, shocker!), and walking four (long) blocks and did I mention the cake is like fifteen pounds? It is definitely worth all the trouble because the entire 10" square goodness is gone before the day is over.

But then bossdad comes in to toast Cassandra as well and make the announcement that from now on, all cakes are to come from Dortoni's. Lucky me.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Except if you buy a bonnet cake, and there is cardboard in the middle.