Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Day: Three Hundred and Forty Five

Photo taken on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 in the living room at 1103pm.

Steve goes shark fishing with one of his supervisors on Sunday and is out in the sun from its arrival until its departure. Steve is a very good boy and reapplies his SPF 30 twice. Unfortunately, both times he forgets to slather it on his ears. After taking his shower upon his return, he forgets how burnt he is and rubs the skin right off his ear when toweling dry.

His ear, well, it's disgusting and I would put the ointment on it but I'm afraid of pressing too hard and making it worse.

And it's gross.


Charles said...

Absolutely insensitive to burn victims and the people who love them. Burn victims are not disgusting, they are beautiful. I would rather look at them than you. You my sister are a gotdang bigot. Booooo Booooo!!! :o :'(

Moma said...

i think they have spray bactine so you could spray from a distance!!

H said...

i cooked my ear the way you like your food well done. You were very caring in your i'm not touching that!