Sunday, January 23, 2011

J-E-T-S Jets! Jets! Jets!

Day: One Hundred and Seventy Five

Photo taken on Sunday, January 23, 2011 in the living room from the Manga Loft during the Jets vs. Steelers game at 846pm. (pictured from left: Mike, Tucker, Charlie, Jenn, Paul, Jess, Aunt Kathie, me, and Steve)

I am blessed. I really am. I am blessed to have so many people in my life that support me and all of my creative projects. I wish I could get a picture of all my supporters at once but I know they're always here in spirit with every picture I take.

Tonight I have eight people backing me up on this one and probably holding their breath too because Steve is helping me dangle my camera by string from the Manga Loft. Everyone shouted out ideas of how to take a sweeping picture from above and I am happy with the results. As everyone gets in position to cheer (and for some reason the only Jets fan in the room, Charlie, is "booing") I set up the camera from above. As I hit the delay button they all count the seconds for me as I race down the stairs and jump in behind Steve.

Definitely a cool bunch of peeps.


babs said...

So glad you enjoyed ypur day with friends & family--to bad the Jets pooped out on us--ny fans are heartless but they didn't show up for the 1st half of the game--all your food sounded yummy--you are just a living doll Katie--love ypu bunches-moma

Assassin070406 said...

well you can tell when the only jet fan there is in the corner frowning giving the thumbs down that it wasn't a good night for them but everyone else looked happy and it was because of the food you did a great job babe

Greene Family said...

Looks like everyone was having a great time! You need to come to one of our POLP get togethers!