Thursday, January 6, 2011


Day: One Hundred and Fifty Eight

Photo taken on Thursday, January 6, 2011 at the front desk of the Surge at 1253pm.

The New Year brought with it a sign out-and-in sheet. Whenever we leave the building, whether for lunch or a break or to sneeze, you have to write your name, time out, and why. Then when you come back, obviously you sign back in again, and we're doing this because some people disappear and no one knows when they are returning. But the whole point of a sheet like this is to actually use it because I highly doubt only one person left the building from my lunch break yesterday to today's lunch break. I know for a fact that Bossdad walked out without using the sheet because I caught him and pointed to it and he just kept moving like he didn't hear me (he did).

But of course I need to make a mockery out of the sheet. If you ask me for a reason for me going on my unpaid break, then you're going to get a non-serious answer. I spend yesterday's entire break thinking up different reasons I would have to leave the building and still be feasible to get accomplished in a half an hour. I'm thinking "jetting off to Vegas" might be a good possibility for next time.


Maeve said...

I like the person who took 2 mintues to "scream" hahaha

Kim said...

Oh I would have a field day with this sheet! But the funniest part of this is you think Dad, who is bossdad would have to sign in and out. That's the funniest. My entries would be "out trying to find a hot doctor" or "Bloomies"

babs said...

katie you are a character--next time put do "a quickie"

Michelle said...

I'm with Maeve. I enjoy the "scream" one as well.