Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Scream

Day: One Hundred and Fifty Four

Photo taken on Saturday, January 2, 2011 in the Smithtown Friendly's at 329pm.

This picture might look familiar...but this time, Michelle is here to stay! Here's our first Friendly's trip of 2011 and I can guarantee there will be many more this year.

Hopefully we can get our writing group off the ground this month. If anyone is interested in joining up with us that would be awesome! I'm thinking we'll meet once or twice a month at a Starbucks or someone's digs and just read and exchange stories we're all having trouble finishing. Maybe in the new year we can all help each other become the writers we know we have the talent to be!


Michelle said...

I can't wait for our writing group! Even if it's just a group of 2. :)

Anonymous said...

I miss Friendly's. There aren't any in AZ.