Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fast Times at Reab High

Day: Two Hundred and Eighty Nine

Photo taken on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 while chillin' across the best bed in the world at 945pm.

I am the worst test taker in the world. Especially if it is a multiple choice exam. I am not fond of any choice that has more than one answer such as "both B & C" or "all of the above" and I definitely loathe the dreadful: NONE OF THE ABOVE.

Then what was the f-ing point of asking the question then?!?

I hated taking the SATs because sitting that long for a test is just cruel and then to make you fill out an extra section not knowing which one is scored and which isn't, who the hell made up that stupid rule? And I never could wrap my head around the fact that if you answered incorrectly it is worse than not answering the question at all. WTF?! It took me three tries to break 1000 and not because I am dumb but because I dutifully made it through the first two sections and lost interest by the time the second math section came up. And God forbid my fifth section happened to be math instead of English because then I took the SATs advice and didn't even do it at all.

I also don't believe in studying and it is a rare occurrance (like this one) for me to do it. I've been known to do a cram session as I walk down the hall to my impending doom but my philosophy has always been: if I don't know it after sitting through the class and doing the assignments, then I will never know it. And I am okay with this. If my brain doesn't want to retain information on Trigonometry it won't and instead will save the room for something more important like what channels Marty McFly, Jr. asks for in the year 2015.*

But here I am tonight, attempting to study up on some of the finer points to becoming a notary public for the Surge. Tomorrow morning I will sit through the exam of 40 questions and will spend the majority of the time second guessing myself and erasing the right answer to put in the wrong one. I am petrified to fail this test yet I will stop studying the minute Steve gets out of his shower to watch a new episode of Naruto Shippuden. I already know what will happen tomorrow: I will begin the test the right way until I get stumped halfway down the page then flip it over and work backwards until I meet up with the question that stumped me. I will then fuss over the scantron and stare blankly into space for several minutes until people start leaving which will make me so anxious that I will finally just finish to finish. Then I will pretend like this test never happened and go about my life until I hopefully get a pass slip in the mail.

If I don't recieve a pass slip you might see me on the five o'clock news in 4 to 6 weeks.

Answer: He asks for 18, 24, 63, 109, 87, and the weather channel...which is 247.


Cam said...

Hey wait, I know who made that stupid rule. The fabled 5th section is strictly experimental questions. If they told you which section it was, then nobody would attempt it, obviously. They have no idea which questions are stupidly hard, so they try em out on unwitting teenagers. And nobody ever said the last section was the 5th section. You should have done that last math section, it probably counted.

Skipping a question isn't penalized because they don't expect you to do every question, especially the last 5 in the section, which are the hardest. You are penalized for guessing because if you put down an answer, you had a reasonable expectation of getting that answer right. It's like betting on a hand of Blackjack; you put down your money with the reasonable expectation of getting a 21. You're not penalized for just watching and keeping your money in your pocket.

Sorry if that was long-winded. I'm stuck at work on a beautiful Saturday and your question looked so lonely and unfulfilled. K bai!

Katie Jaye said...

I am sorry to hear that you are stuck at work on a Saturday; that really isn't fair at all. Thank you for the long winded comment, I loved hearing from you!

I guess I am pretty lucky because it turned out that CU had very low standards to get in there and I honestly got the same education everyone else did in the end.


babs said...

cute blog--and i always i repeat always hated taking any kind of test--my dreaded one was to fill in the blank--true & false you had a 50-50 shot and i usually can eliminate on multiple choice but fill in the blank left me paralyzed!