Monday, May 30, 2011

Heeey Heeey

Day: Three Hundred and Two

Photo taken on Monday, May 30, 2011 in our kitchen at 806pm.

En garde!

The crabs we catch are vicious and will do anything to remain free. I have had to turn the trap over and pry their claws off the metal until they fall into the bucket and Steve has had to chase them across our deck when two lucky ones actually found their way out of the bucket when no one was looking! One made it as far as the grass by the porch stairs but was retrieved and swiftly brought into the kitchen where the battle continued.

Tonight this guy is going all William Wallace on my crabbing tool and the sharp pings of claw meeting claw has Steve coming in to see what the major hold up is. Steve has to help me maneuver the bucket close to the boiling water because I fear dropping the crab on the floor and him nipping at my toes. After a few more parries the winner of this battle is determined:

1 comment:

Babs said...

if the family had to survive on ypur crabbing and fishing skills we woull all be dead! one crab-- just like one rib!