Friday, February 25, 2011

Sweet Tooth

Day: Two Hundred and Eight

Photo taken on Friday, February 25, 2011 on the TDM back staircase at 858pm.

Ah, Cadbury eggs. The BEST Easter candy out there. Why it's "out there" now is beyond me because come Easter there will be a shortage of Cadbury eggs just like last year when Steve's basket was devoid of Cadbury eggs because I waited a tad too long to purchase candy for the holiday. This year I am wasting no time in consuming them whenever I get the chance (might be noticing that double chin in pictures lately, huh?).

After hitting up a delish dinner at-go ahead, guess- Yamato, Preston and I sit down in his favorite spot to enjoy the tasty treat for our dessert. It is an absolute delight to watch him eat this chocolate. His face has lit up and the "egg yolk" is oozing all over his starfish hands and we're laughing as he tries to lick it off before his mom takes notice of the mess. I love this kid to pieces and things like this, us sharing our love of candy together, endears him to me even more.


Kim said...

I just teared. At work. God I love Preston. And I love you too!

Maeve said...

I love Preston (and you) as well!