Saturday, February 12, 2011


Day: One Hundred and Ninety Five

Photo taken on Saturday, February 12, 2011 in Great Neck, NY at 1124pm.

When Steve comes across this 30 Rock TGS "Liz" hoodie two Christmases ago, he has to purchase it for me. I have been a Tina Fey fan since her early writing days on SNL and have always admired her skillz. In college I think it would be cool to do my internship as an apprentice to Ms. Fey but I never even work up the courage to write her a fan letter let alone ask her if I can follow her around for a summer and totally not in a stalkerish way at all.

So when I start watching 30 Rock, Steve finds himself enjoying the program right along side me (the Dr. Space Man episode has him hooked!). Naturally he loves Jack Donaghy and I adore Jack's relationship with Liz Lemon. Though sometimes, I find it eerie how the things that come out of her mouth (or what goes into it) is very much something I would say (or eat) and Jack's reaction to it is very much how Steve would react to me:

Liz Lemon: I believe that all anyone really wants in this life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich.
Jack Donaghy: How surprising that your world view is food-based.

Seems like we have the key to world peace right there.


Maeve said...

I LOVE Tina Fey... and you look adorable in this pic... I'm really liking what you're doing with the hair and the side sweep!

babs said...

i agree with maeve about the hair but i don't really dig tina fey