Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jim Halpert

Day: One Hundred and Four
Photo taken on Saturday, November 13, 2010 by the time-out room door at 908pm. (I didn't need the room, don't worry.)

I used to love having short hair. I had it short throughout college and it was easy to manage especially before class when I had ten minutes to get there in time and no minutes to get ready. So when I made the decision to donate my hair again, I forgot to take in the fact that most women don't have short-short hair like this anymore. And it's probably because of Justin Bieber.

In the past week, I have looked in the mirror after styling only to feel like an emo teen boy is staring back out at me. It's really quite disturbing. Back when I had short hair, boys wore their hair like boys. Now boys wear it like punk rocker girls.

And after snapping this picture, I realize the angle on my nose doesn't help the "I have boy hair" factor. Today, I definitely look like John Krasinski:

1 comment:

Kim said...

You don't look like Justin. You look like my pretty sister!